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About Us

Atlantic Investigations' Agents have the ability to blend into any situation and are available for short and long term assignments. Travel is acceptable. We seek employment with clients to whom we can commit in a close relationship while keeping clients from harm’s way. Assignments with unusual hours or locations are satisfactory. Atlantic promises confidentiality, integrity and loyalty. The safety and comfort of clients is of primary concern and responsibility. We can bring honor and dignity to any assignment, and are capable of performing protection duties in a non-obtrusive manner. Atlantic ’s Agents provide protective talents to keep others from harm’s way and have developed a non-confrontational theory of protection.

We believe that the objective in providing close personal protection is to make the proper preparations in ensuring that the client is not presented in a dangerous situation. This includes privately and publicly.

In 1994, Fred Tokars, a prominent Atlanta attorney and circuit court judge, was convicted on murder and racketerring charges, ending one of metro Atlanta's most widely followed trials in recent years. Ralph Perdomo, who had been hired by Tokars' wife, served as a federal witness, giving key testimony.

There have been other high profile cases, such as the videotape case involving actor Rob Lowe and the Lita Sullivan murder / divorce case, in which we have played investigative roles.

When it comes to major cases, we have the experience it takes to earn your trust.













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